Monday, February 27, 2012

Surrounded by God

"Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion,
     which cannot be shaken,
        but endures forever.
  As the mountains surround Jerusalem,
      so the LORD surrounds His people,
         both now and forevermore." 

I am surrounded by God.

God before me. . . paving every new moment, creating opportunities, clearing obstacles, making roads and sometimes throwing down roadblocks.
God behind me. . . redeeming my mistakes, erasing my regret,  weaving my small story into His bigger story of redemption.
God beside me. . . holding my hand, bandaging my wounds, assuring me with His presence, steadying me when I falter, reminding me that I belong to Him.
God beneath me. . . holding me up, being my strength, anchoring me to His truth.
God above me. . . lifting my head, reminding me of my destination, pulling me beyond momentary pain to glimpse eternal joy.

God surrounds me.  I am held.  I am safe.  The only requisite for this gift is TRUST.  A heart yielded to God.  A child putting her full weight into her daddy's arms.  Hands upturned, arms outstretched, a heart of hope and a life crying out, "God you are good.  I put my trust in You."  My paltry trust offered to the God of the Universe, who sends His Spirit through the backdoor of my heart to unload truckloads of more trust, more belief, more faith. . . more than I could ever conjure up by my own efforts.  God supplying what I need to walk with Him.  God lavishing me with spiritual wealth. 

1 comment:

  1. i'm printing this out to stick on my cabinet (above the coffee maker where i spend all my time :)
